In just one month, Bailey booked 2 new ideal clients and nearly 4x’d her “Chief Growth Officer” rate.

Meet Bailey

Bailey is the CEO’s dream “second-in-command” - an equally brilliant COO and CMO. She came to the VIP Day with a desire to clarify her messaging, create a business plan she could stick to (and track!), and start marketing herself more effectively. She wanted a plan to book higher-paying clients, launch a second business her partner could manage, and - my favorite - move to the Dominican Republic for a more peaceful, restful life nearby family.

The Obstacle

Bailey had a million ideas for different possible profitable offers, but was stuck in “paralysis by analysis” and couldn’t get into execution on any one of them. As a right-hand to busy CEO’s of multi-million dollar companies, she put her clients’ businesses ahead of her own, and struggled with boundaries.

She felt burned out and was second-guessing herself - convincing herself she didn’t have clarity (when she really did), she just didn’t have the clear plan and confidence to execute her big ideas.

Before the VIP Day

Bailey completed her customized prework that included a:

  • Time audit to understand where her time was going and what interventions we could make to help her protect more time for herself, while still earning more doing the work she enjoys most.

  • Customer research to help us design a new offer for her ideal client.

  • Business audit that made it clear where her money has been coming from in the past year, which marketing efforts have been moving the needle (and which we could ditch), and what her Genius Zone looks like.


During the VIP Day

Bailey clarified her Genius Zone of copywriting, brand messaging, market positioning, and sales and marketing strategy design. (Casual. Just every CEO’s dream.)

Crafted her Expert Positioning Statement of who she serves, how she serves them, and the transformation/results she creates.

Set a clear ‘Revenue Goal’ that was ambitious but achievable and accounted for everything from taxes to retirement.

Designed an Offer Ladder with 4 offers that her customers need, focus her on just the work she does best, and will get her to her 12-month revenue goal.

Created a ‘Rest Goal’ and calendared her vacation days for the next 12 months.

Created a ‘Support Goal’ and planned out her next 3 hires.

Mapped out a clear Year-Long Plan with what she will focus on each quarter to reach her goals.

Designed a Marketing Strategy that played to her introverted, badass copywriter strengths.

The Cherry on top! 🍒

Less than 24 hours after her VIP Day, she used her VIP Day Playbook to upsell a client to a new, higher-rate package, giving her an extra recurring $600 a month.


Bailey Saw these Results in Just 30 Days

  • She upgraded her scope of work and nearly 4x’d her fee from $1,100/mo —> $4,200/month as “Chief Growth Officer”

  • This was the first step in bringing her partner into her business so he could quit his job and they could move to the Dominican Republic to be with family!

  • + Every 6 weeks, 3-day weekend

    + No longer feeling burned out

    + Feeling excited to work on her business

  • Bailey’s business grows best through word-of-mouth and quality referrals, so joining a networking group of high-powered women was part of her 30-day plan

  • Bailey protected time for her own business and started updating her website with her new services we outlined and priced in her VIP Day Playbook

  • Bailey is building a family business, and she was able to hire and onboard her sister to be her own assistant and make sure Bailey’s business got just as much attention as her clients’, and her sister learned in-demand skills.

  • Bailey joined a workout class she loves and is regularly prioritizing time for her health outside of her business

Bailey’s Favorite Part

“I’m able to separate work from my personal life. When the work day is done, I don’t log back in and I am actually spending real time with my family.” 

“I worry a lot less about work after hours than I ever have in the past. I’m more calm, relaxed and enjoy working again.” 

“I also exceeded stretch income goals!”

 “I feel more confident to lead employees now, and I no longer attach my value to how many hours I work. I have proof that taking time off makes me more productive!”


“My favorite part about working with Bailey was…

Bailey embodies the inspiring, ambitious and big-hearted entrepreneur I love working with most. She hit the classic income ceiling 1:1 service-based entrepreneurs reach, and needed to switch up her strategy to scale her revenue while leading a more balanced, family-oriented life — THOSE are the challenges that inspire me. Bailey’s easy-going but hilarious personality made her a constant joy to work with, and it thrilled me to help another entrepreneur leave behind the hustle and move abroad to live a more peaceful life, surrounded by family.”

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Nicole, Photographer & Gallery Owner, Rootstock Collective