Senior Principal in Venture Capital who tripled her income in six months and earned two promotions within one year. 

Back Story

Brilliant and hardworking, Alex had re-invented herself multiple times in her career, gotten an MBA, but was trapped in a cycle of “sliding, not deciding.” She didn’t know what she really wanted, so she took whatever opportunities others deemed best.

Alex felt unsettled. She was working constantly…but to what end? She was looking for clarity on what she really wanted out of her career long-term, the confidence that she could actually create the career and life she wanted, and to stop feeling so drained and anxious all the time.

Her Biggest Obstacle…

Was a habit of not trusting herself, and the instability that created in all areas of her life. 

She was overthinking everything, stuck in “paralysis by analysis,” and that indecision was giving her even more anxiety. Tired, unsettled, and constantly stressed out, Alex wanted clarity on what she truly wanted out of her professional and personal life and a plan to get there. 


Within the first month of working together,

Alex got clear on her top values, and used multiple tools and strategies to create a vision for her career and life that excited her and was 100% unique and true to her. 

In just 2 months…she earned a 50% raise. 

Within 4 months…she got promoted to Principal at her Venture Capital fund.

After just 6 months…Alex had tripled her income. 

And within one year…Alex had determined and doubled-down on her niche in Venture Capital, got promoted to Senior Principal and was given the opportunity to launch her company’s Climate Fund. 

Once we clarified Alex’s Zone of Genius

We shifted not just the way she worked, but what she focused her attention on. She built the confidence and clarity to say “no” to projects that drained her and weren’t aligned with her big career goals, and “yes” to the ones that were aligned! 

That was the tipping point…within 7 months, Alex was ranked within the 10% top performers in the company, doing work that interested her, excited her, and aligned with her big goals for her career and life.


“The best part about getting to work with Alex was…

watching her lose her habit of making fear-based decisions (“I have to do this project or follow this career path, so I dont…”) and build a habit of making confident decisions aligned with what she DOES want out of her career and life, now that she’s clear on what her long-term career and personal vision is. Watching her confidence sky rocket, her make powerful, tough decisions that align with her big vision (even at the risk of disappointing others), and ending our calls saying, “I genuinely LOVE my life,” has been the greatest honor and joy.”

Ready To Work With Kristin?


Andria, Nurse Practitioner & Medical Spa Owner